Friday, October 15, 2010

The Research Process

My research group consists of Luke Bonvillian, Jake Snider, and myself. We have not yet decided what we are going to research, but we have several ideas. So far, we've narrowed it down to "Born Gay?", "Assisted Suicide", and "Catholic Church's Contraception Policy." We're not sure which one we're going to go with yet. We've been looking mostly at, and there are tons of different options.

We're considering the born gay debate because it's interesting and there is no real definitive answer to the question is poses. We can look at the issue from several different angles and have a variety of viewpoints represented.

The assisted suicide issue is an interesting one as well. It is a very heated debate with many opinions and examples. The biggest being the Terri Schiavo case.

We are also considering the Catholic church's contraception policy. Religion is a hot button for many different debates, and there will be a lot of different examples to use in our paper. The use of contraception is a big deal in the church and it would be easy to find strongly opposing viewpoints.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Riley Days

Yesterday marked the beginning of Riley Days in Greenfield, Indiana. Riley Days is a festival in honor of James Whitcomb Riley, whose hometown was Greenfield. I love this festival because of the atmosphere, you can almost feel the leaves changing. When I think of Riley Days I see pumpkins, hot apple cider, hay bales, and corn. It doesn't feel like fall until Riley Days rolls around. It's a tradition in my family to attend every year and I can't wait to go home this weekend and enjoy the festival with the ones I love.